Sunday, July 25, 2004

Eating Chicharon

This must be hunger:

The gentle rumbling inside
my stomach like a drum roll
 going faster and faster ----
louder and louder
Gases escaping up....up
eating the strong walls
So intense

A food hunt:

Starving like a lion in the fields
hiding... feasting its eyes on
a possible prey - and there
in the table is a plastic-- isolated
like an oasis in a desert, a life
in an abyss
My preys hiding stupidly
seen under that trasparent shield
they cover up.

They are many.

I dart my eyes in every corner
and see no one
AHA! a feast for my own greed!

My mouth waters... a drop falls.

The art of eating:

I pick my first prey - it is
fat, air trapped.
In a pool of acid, i kill my prey,  drowning it --
the air is the blood under its skin.

Put the whole in mywatered mouth...
every life, every air.
saltness and sour i taste.

by ones... then
by twos...then


BURPPP - a satisafaction.
and the rumblings are gone..

*inspired by the hub

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