Monday, October 22, 2007


i have never liked psychology. and i still regret choosing it over the others (thanks to naneng). but this realization hit me a double when i was confronted with an incident that found myself picking over the subjective when it should have been objectively done.
a case of hand neuropathy was reversed into what i thought was a simple case of psychosomatic problem- ergo, a fake. what made me think about that was a simple reading of her exagerrations that to my surprise turned me into a hag of an old unreliable psychologist.

apparently, what i thought a fake happened to be rushed again to the hospital.
the same same problem.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

caffeine consumptions and lens expenditures

i never thought, that i'd only be "med high" for a few weeks. as i started to indulge myself into boosts of coffee and medical nightmares, the effect of being there and scratching up your medical career seems to slough off. months just flew by, not noticing that i have lost AGAIN a few pounds and my lens becoming less and less pwerful.

ranting aside, i have officially paved my way to new medical jargons and cases. and judging from watching House again, i can run through with oohs and aahs-- terrific.

what made life easier though are these 26 add ons in my social circle. call it a soon to be colleagues, with much laughing and lightening up. i'm not surprised they also drink the same gallon as i do.

same rule applies when we push one up to the grilling machine. god i hate case conferences.