Tuesday, November 30, 2004


it just occured to my head awhile ago... i dont know if i'm going emo.. but whatever shit this is.. oh well... no more sorries..

sometimes --- i just wanna fly.. to where silence is..
brought about by flying bulltes and sounds of guns..
shriek and cry marks the end of silence...
and again bring back the lost peace..

sometimes --- i just wanna stick out my tongue
and taste everything.like a fly sticking out its----
appreciating the thirst for life-- survival

sometimes ---- burying myself under the covers
of the dark
i dont wanna be seen...
the only light illuminating the dark wuld be
my eyes.. and i longed for it

soemtimes ---- i feel like drinking
yup.. still caffeine.. and i love the
effect of it.. with my whole senses awake and never bound
to sleep..
its fuckin lousy

sometimes --- i wanna live the world so differently
i hate ususal stories..
i want mine to be so damn cool...

and i'm waitin for it to come

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