Thursday, May 12, 2005

past dillema

its been almost a year. 8 months to be exact when i weighed on my past dillema. ofwhether to love again or not. to end my mourining and accept this foolishness. and to believe that my infatuation is a dream come true.
or to choose another better (well i thought that he really was). but instead met up with a crash and fall. of which i didnt cry.
tsk fate... fate...
who am i to mock such a pseudo god. a so called divine interferer.

and now, he called again. if i still hold on to what i promised that i will wait for his call, maybe now, i've been to the stars because of the elating feeling after a long wait. but i chose to be happier to leave the post just like in my past. and his call did no effect even a single hair stand.

foolish past... it was a rotting experience.
how his image studded with sugar crystals turned into a horror poster hanging in my wall. stuck inside my brain.
he is my screaming prince and i am the sleeping princess.

ive got my ear plugs stucked in my ears.. cant hear him..

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