Thursday, October 13, 2005

purple cockroach

there's nothing more to say with the homos. theyre a bunch of flying cockroaches that have pentrated the whole stretch of the blue green universe; have longer buttcracks and wider butt holes; do most of our hair edges and give us quality green jokes; talk to them for hours and find out who's the next victim of their lips asmeared in pink.

a survivor of their own cause. a mascot, brought by taboo, theyre funny oompah loompahs jumping up and down-

let somebody answer: how could you possibly put in all the tendencies of being a fe/male under just a purple raincoat... and again, how about hiding the weak tendencies if your to walk with a dangling red purse?

turn left, then right, head on till morning.. im looking forward for the sun faced baby to show up in between the hills.let him teach me how to lie on my back and laugh. make me talk like im reading a children storybook.

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