Monday, March 28, 2005

the cleansing

i deserve some cleansing. like christ being nailed, i cramped myself
up. ready to face the travel in the living purgatorio. i know, i will
never meet the saints and other known people of the time. i have my own
route in this mountain. trudging alongside it, climbing up till my feet
touched the cold soil at the peak and kiss the clouds till my mouth
starts to damp.

its like kissing the godds.

the cold would seep in my lungs, breathe in me life. life without
warmth. alveolis gasping for air would explode and leabve red marks
inside my torso. my lips would turn pale and dead. my eyes would be
left staring blank.
this is my cleansing. to shut myself from the world. leaving me null
and devoid. no meaning. no self.
i am left to eat the dead man on the cross.
somehow, i have reached the golgotha.
ill bring to you the pain of my sufferings--chipped nails and a

bleeding heart.

after the splendor of going up, my time ends with a fall.
and my bones break, skull shattered, brain splattered.

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